
Points To Ponder About Baby Pillows

The Internet is full of horrific stories of how babies have suffocated to death because of using baby pillows. I think most of such stories are overstated. I have a two year air angry bird old daughter myself and have been using baby pillows for her right from the age of one and a half without any problems. Indeed, some common sense precautions are a must. Firstly, never go in for cheap products, they are most likely to compromise on quality to keep their prices down. A little bit of market survey through the WalMart, Woolworth and Baby care shops is necessary to rc flying fish get a sense of what best is available. A little bit of research on the Internet also helps. A nice narrow, firm baby pillow is just as good as the latest memory foam pillows. I, of course chose to buy a memory foam pillow which is a trifle expensive. The memory foam pillow does really mold to the shape of the babys head. I say this out of experience of seeing my baby sleep soundly without once bringing out the late night feed ever since she started sleeping on a memory foam pillow. There are other advantages to using a baby pillow. Doctors say that a slightly elevated head position is helpful in breathing especially if the baby has a cold. They also say that a firm support prevents cranial deformity which may occur if the baby sleeps with head to one side for too long. Make sure you check the Air Swimmers pillow cover. Choose cotton rich linen as the pillow cover material. That will prevent rashes or allergic reaction which is possible if you use synthetic material. Dont buy soft or feather pillows, they are the ones responsible for the negative publicity. I would recommend that with these common sense tips, using baby pillows is not a liability but an advantage for every parent and the baby of course.

